
27: Scott Souza - Paul Pierce retirement ceremony | Kevin Garnett | Doc Rivers | Celtics | Rajon...

2018-06-28 17 Dailymotion

After the Celtics remembered Paul Pierce by hanging his number to the rafters forever, the CelticsBlog pod rolls through Pierce's greatest moments and growth in Boston. Celtics writer for the Metrowest Daily, Scott Souza, remembers the Pierce era, from draft night to stabbing to the uncertainty over his future in Boston up to the Kevin Garnett trade. Between, the sounds of Pierce's career and from the hour-long ceremony Sunday. Plus, Doc Rivers back in Boston, as a fan. 

With one open spot left on the banner, how long could it be before Kevin Garnett's #5 hangs next to #34? Souza, and CelticsBlog's own Mike Petraglia give insight on what it will take before we see that ceremony. 

Trags was there Sunday as well, he joined in the second half of the show to break down the sights and sounds inside the TD Garden. Was the hottest ticket in Celtics history worth it?